Monday, March 8, 2010

The start of a NEW mindset

3/8/2010 - Today, is going to the be the start of beginning a new mindset for myself. I have been SO SO SO negative in everything new that has happened to me in the last 9 months. Instead of bracing it and considering it a new challenge, I have been feeling down and sorry for myself. I am constantly reminding myself of all the things I cannot do. I am constantly finding things that do not make me happy in my relationship, instead of finding the things that Do make me happy and finding ways to fix the things that are not. Not sure where to start with this new goal, but i am really going to try. I am so tired of feeling the things I have felt the last several months. Its bringing my self esteem down, my feelings toward Kael down, and most of all, its turning my once PEPPY, LOVE THE WORLD, personality to a complete opposite. I am finding that I no longer am the fun, get crazy, love my life, happy person I once was, and I know its because I have been looking at everything that has happened and changed in my life, as an negative. NO MORE. I will need the help of my best friends for added motivation. I CAN DO THIS. I CAN DO THIS. I want to start a hardcore workout plan, getting outside and doing things out of my comfort zone. The weather is starting to be beautiful again, so hopefully these things will get accomplished. I want to come up with things to make my relationship better and stronger with Kael. This cant be a one way deal, but I am going to have to step up and make it that way, because he doesn't get it. So, I am going to start off with being positive, something I have lacked very much. Hope this is a goal that gets reached! Stay tuned........


  1. Sounds like you are off to a great start Brandi!
    "Don't wait for something big to occur. Start where you are, with what you have, and that will always lead you into something greater. - Mary Manin Morrissey"
    "When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us. - Alexander Graham Bell"

  2. Thank you! The toughest thing i have to develop is trying to get myself BACK into the mindset when I am having a bad day and thinking bad thoughts. that will be the hardest thing to overcome!

  3. That's great Brandi! You know, I can relate to those feelings too....for different reasons but I totally understand. And I'm with ya. :)
