Thursday, April 1, 2010

Verse of the day....

Be strong in the Lord and,
Never give up hope,
You're going to do great things,
I already know,
God's got His hand on you so,
Don't live life in fear,
Forgive and forget,
But don't forget why you're here

Dazed and confused......

So.... I have been wanting and itching to get back into to church. After going the other weekend with Taylor, Linds and Jamie, and reading Kelsie's latest blog.. it just got me really upset because I want to be in a relationship where the person I am spending my life with wants to be involved the same ways I do. I listen to all kinds of stories, Kelsie's included, and I really do feel like if we both dedicated our lives and most importantly our relationship and handed it over to God, that we, in turn, would be closer to one another, be in a much deeper connection with one another, and just make our relationship great. I have started reading a book, how to let God solve your problems, and its really good so far. Just talks about how when you feel like your all alone, and you think your problems aren't good or big enough for God, stop, and ask him to help you. He will. Its really good so far. I just want the opportunity to have the best relationship I can get, I think I deserve it. I pray that he somehow finds God, and I will keep trying, but I eventually want to live my life with someone who wants God in their life. I just feel like it will make EVERYTHING so much more amazing. I keep asking for God to help me make the right decisions, and he eventually will tell me. Until then, I must just ask and pray day after day, until my prayer is answered. HOPE EVERYONE HAS A WONDERFUL THURSDAY!!