Thursday, April 1, 2010

Verse of the day....

Be strong in the Lord and,
Never give up hope,
You're going to do great things,
I already know,
God's got His hand on you so,
Don't live life in fear,
Forgive and forget,
But don't forget why you're here

Dazed and confused......

So.... I have been wanting and itching to get back into to church. After going the other weekend with Taylor, Linds and Jamie, and reading Kelsie's latest blog.. it just got me really upset because I want to be in a relationship where the person I am spending my life with wants to be involved the same ways I do. I listen to all kinds of stories, Kelsie's included, and I really do feel like if we both dedicated our lives and most importantly our relationship and handed it over to God, that we, in turn, would be closer to one another, be in a much deeper connection with one another, and just make our relationship great. I have started reading a book, how to let God solve your problems, and its really good so far. Just talks about how when you feel like your all alone, and you think your problems aren't good or big enough for God, stop, and ask him to help you. He will. Its really good so far. I just want the opportunity to have the best relationship I can get, I think I deserve it. I pray that he somehow finds God, and I will keep trying, but I eventually want to live my life with someone who wants God in their life. I just feel like it will make EVERYTHING so much more amazing. I keep asking for God to help me make the right decisions, and he eventually will tell me. Until then, I must just ask and pray day after day, until my prayer is answered. HOPE EVERYONE HAS A WONDERFUL THURSDAY!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Dating Mr. Right??

A relationship without trust is doomed from the start. But a relationship with abundant trust? A fabulous foundation for real and lasting love! Built over time, trust is based on the simple belief system that your partner has your best interests at heart and will never intentionally hurt you (and vice versa). If and when you discover that Mr. Next is 100 percent trustworthy, you'll have no trouble giving your heart to him. In return, he'll most likely give you his heart and pave the way for a lasting, loving relationship to unfold.

In the wrong relationship, he tears you to emotional shreds, brings you down, and in general drains your energy. In the right relationship, he enriches your life, inspires you to be your best self, and brings a sense of peace and possibility to you. You'll know Mr. Next is enriching your life if and when he encourages and supports you professionally, personally, and spiritually. Then he will turn into Mr. Right...

*MOST IMPORTANT* - So often, women feel the need to sacrifice some part of themselves to make a relationship work. In the right relationship, there's no need. You don't have to hide, tone down, or apologize for any aspect of you or your fabulous life. With the right partner, you're not only able to be yourself, but you're better able to be the best version of your most authentic self -- no compromises needed.

Remember, finding your life partner isn't always easy, but by being clear, honoring yourself, and acting accordingly, you'll cut down on wasted time with Mr. Wrong and Mr. Next, and ultimately make room for Mr. Right.

It's beena a while...

Hello fellow bloggers, it has been a couple of weeks since I have blogged, not really much to talk about...and being very busy. We recently got a new addition to our household. His name is Kolt and he is a silver Weinheimer. He is a handful and a half to keep up with. I don't see how mothers with multiple children do it and still maintain a job... whew!! raise my hands up to them! I recently took a trip back home and it was Wonderful to see everyone and to have people to do stuff with!! Met some new friends who are amazingly talented and so much fun to be around!! I cant wait to come back home to hang out with them again! It was an interesting visit back home. Some unexpected things developed which kind of threw me left field... It was great, but unexpected. I got to see my niece and nephews which was really nice! My parents are getting a divorce and my mom will pretty much be homeless.. She is living in my grandmothers old house that she had turned into a thrift shop. So sad, because my mom always relied on my dad for support, so she has nothing for herself to fall back on.. thats why i will never rely solely on a "man" to keep my stable. You have to learn to fend for yourself and to be able to support yourself, as she is finding out the hard way. It saddens me even though I know it is for the best. My mother has not had a "happy life" for as long as I can remember. She never gets to go out, she has minimal friends, she doesnt know what a date is, and she has never had someone to just make her happy. I love my dad, but .... In a positive note, this terrible situation just motivates me even more to get my degree, get a great job, and to do the best I can to set up a good financial situation for myself. .... -b

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thirsty Thursday..... Oh how I miss those days........

Remove Formatting from selection Good morning from Wisconsin. It is yet again, another FOGGY, groggy, rainy day in the Northern State. School is out for 2 weeks and I am scuba excited!! Now to focus on work and partying it up in Alabama. Ha Ha. Today, I am going to buy my first laptop! I know, right.. welcome to the real world Brandi! How have I not had a laptop yet?? But I am excited!, that I can actually afford to buy one! So we figured out last night that it is 10 hours to drive from here to Kentucky. HOLY MOLY. I thought it was only about 6-7 at the most. So not sure I want to do that, and drive through Crummy Chicago unless I drive in the middle of the night with less traffic. Scary! And I am pleased to hear that JB will also be accompanying herself to HSV next weekend! Yay!! Now we just need Lala, Kels, and KT.. so I am going to need y'all to get on this! haha. JK.. I know y'all have your lives to take care of. Jenn and I are having our cook night tonight, so If you read this and have any yummy ideas, send em my way! Ok, I am going to go to work now, talk to ya soon.. *muah*

Wednesday, March 10, 2010



A dreary, dreary day

SO, Monday the weather was just beautiful and gorgeous! I think I smiled all day long that day. Today, FOG , rain and coldness.. I do not understand why God is taunting me with this. LET IT BE SUNNY! makes the whole day just so much better. So I got a perfect grade on my Psych test today. Pretty stoked about that! I have my last Econ Class tonight and hopefully I do well on my final. *crossed fingers*. I have started curling my hair with a curling iron and I am really liking it! It makes me feel a little more dressed up even when I am not. IF you stayed in your lounge clothes everyday, all day you would TOTALLY know what I am talking about here. Makes you feel just blah and yucky when its everyday. My mother is going to start working with us and the callcenter since she sits at home everyday, so I get to teach and train her when I come into town next week. I am excited for her, since maybe this will give her something important to do, and make some easy money. I cant wait to come home and see everybody. I am trying to make all these plans, but thats probably not a great idea. I just get so excited, I feel like my entire week has to be completely filled!! I have not worked out today because its my long school day so I don't feel great about that right now. I have gotten myself in such a habit at the gym, that if I dont go or I skip a day, I actually feel bad and lousy! Never have I been dedicated enough to feel that way, so that's a good thing that I get that way. It is slowly becoming more of a lifestyle than a hobby. Speaking of hobbies, I still have not been able to find something that I can really say I enjoy and want to make a hobby. I have gotten suggestions, but nothing has fell into place. Hmmm.... Well not really much else to say, gotta keep studying.. Talk to ya soon! *muah*

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Long day today

Today has been a very long day. I have two test and a final tomorrow so wish me luck! Went and got my hair fixed tonight. It took her two different times to get MOST of the red out. Not entirely sure what happened, but I am do know for sure, I will not be going to her again. I do not like looking like a firecrotch, as I called myself. Cooked a great dinner for the boys tonight. I am really trying to get into cooking, so hopefully I will get more creative as the weeks pass. I am looking so forward to coming home next week. I hope to get around to seeing everyone and spending enough time with my family so they don't get angry with me. Cant wait to see my nephew, he has gotten so big since I last saw him, which was when he was born. Not too much to tell tonight, just about to go to bed and rest my body for the big day tomorrow. GOODNIGHT TO ALL...... *kisses*

Monday, March 8, 2010

Saying for the day

Courage, sacrifice, determination, commitment, toughness,heart, talent, guts. That's what little girls are made of; the heck with sugar and spice.

The start of a NEW mindset

3/8/2010 - Today, is going to the be the start of beginning a new mindset for myself. I have been SO SO SO negative in everything new that has happened to me in the last 9 months. Instead of bracing it and considering it a new challenge, I have been feeling down and sorry for myself. I am constantly reminding myself of all the things I cannot do. I am constantly finding things that do not make me happy in my relationship, instead of finding the things that Do make me happy and finding ways to fix the things that are not. Not sure where to start with this new goal, but i am really going to try. I am so tired of feeling the things I have felt the last several months. Its bringing my self esteem down, my feelings toward Kael down, and most of all, its turning my once PEPPY, LOVE THE WORLD, personality to a complete opposite. I am finding that I no longer am the fun, get crazy, love my life, happy person I once was, and I know its because I have been looking at everything that has happened and changed in my life, as an negative. NO MORE. I will need the help of my best friends for added motivation. I CAN DO THIS. I CAN DO THIS. I want to start a hardcore workout plan, getting outside and doing things out of my comfort zone. The weather is starting to be beautiful again, so hopefully these things will get accomplished. I want to come up with things to make my relationship better and stronger with Kael. This cant be a one way deal, but I am going to have to step up and make it that way, because he doesn't get it. So, I am going to start off with being positive, something I have lacked very much. Hope this is a goal that gets reached! Stay tuned........

Sunday, March 7, 2010

First day of warmth and sunshine

Today, March 6th, was a beautiful day with lots of sunshine beaming through. This winter has definitely given me the blues. Thank god Spring is here! Went to the driving range today to start practicing for a league I am going to be in this summer. I need a lot of work, but hopefully I can practice now that the weather is starting to cooperate. Looked at another puppy that I liked, but getting Kael to agree with me is still an ongoing issue. He was a miniature pincher/chihuahua mix but totally took the pincher side. SO CUTE. We shall see what happens with that. Stay tuned. Getting to come home in a week and I am more than ready.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Welcome to my life

Hi, My name is Brandi and this will be my first blog page ever. I picked up and moved my life up to the Northern states about 9 months ago to be with the one I love. It has been the biggest and most challenging decision that I have had to make so far. Since we are all so far away from each other, my girlfriends and I decided to make individual blogs to keep up with one another since we all decided to move in our separate directions. So stayed tuned to see the high and lows of my life and whats to come in the near future. Enjoy